Today, Proton announced an extension of free installation of rear center lap belt to 31 January 2012, as part of its ongoing Rear Center Lap Belt Campaign.

Since the Government first announced in June 2008 a new ruling to make it compulsory for vehicles to be fitted with the safety device, Proton had been installing rear center lap belts at no cost to owners of Proton models affected by this, which are the Saga LMST and Gen 2 models manufactured between year 2004 and 2008.
“We would like to urge our customers with the affected cars, and Malaysians in general, to not only comply with the new ruling to avoid getting fined by the authorities, but to adopt the practice of using seat belts for rear occupants in the name of safety. We also urge parents to take up the habit of ensuring that their children who are seated at the back are properly belted up,” said Proton Holdings Berhad Group Managing Director Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir.
Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin added that the move was crucial, as research had shown that rear lap belts are 32% more effective in reducing fatalities when compared to unrestrained back seat occupants. Furthermore, rear lap belts help prevent unrestrained occupants from being thrown out of the vehicle in the event of a crash.
So far, only about 17% out of the 225,930 affected Proton vehicles have been installed with the rear centre lap belt, to date.
With this extension, Proton car owners who have yet to get the rear center lap belt installed can make an appointment at their nearest authorized Proton Service Centres to have it done. Installation will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes per vehicle.